Thursday, July 7, 2011

Feet of clay?

The first professional idol I had was a ward sister called Angela Knight. I worked on her ward at the start of my third year of training and she was the first person that I looked at and thought " When I'm a ward sister I want to be like her!" Fortunately my placement was only for 10 weeks so I left the ward with my awe intact. Since that innocent time I have been sadly disappointed in my ( very few) idols since. Finding an individual I held in great regard operated, on closer inspection, in a cloud of glamour with little substance behind the show, meeting a key nurse theorist who changed the way we think about nursing and finding them to be inarticulate and shy was a massive disappointment. It shouldn't detract from the esteem in which I hold their work but somehow....

And maybe that is the way to ensure that your professional idols maintain their mystique, appreciate them from a far and never, never get to know them!

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